
Winter Angel Chapter 11 (JackFrostXReader)

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Jack’s POV

*“Now, what is dis problem?” I take a deep breath and put my serious face on.

“Pitch is back.”*

“Pitch is back,” I say with a stern face. North’s eyes widen. He turns away and paces for a bit while stroking his long, white beard.

“How is dis possibly? We saw ‘im dragged down by ‘is Nightmares.” He looks over at me with a raised eyebrow and a serious yet curious face.

“I don’t know, but… he went after her. That’s why I brought her here. Pitch directly attacked her yesterday, and I found a Nightmare in her room the night before.” North strokes his beard harder and paces more.

“Why? What can Pitch possibly gain from targeting one girl? She is teenager, yes, but…” His pace speed increases. He begins to murmur to himself as he paces. “Dere must be something… A teenage…? But, there are some that still believe… What Den? Coincidence? No, dere must be a reason.” He continues his strong pace, already deep in thought. What is North doing?! You’re in danger and all Pitch is doing is trying to figure out ‘why’ instead of trying to help you! Anger began to flare up inside me.

“North! You should stop asking why and try to actually help!” His head shoot up. He stood still and looked at me in shock. His eyes grew with concern as he looked at me. He walked closer with a look of anger. I backed up until I was cornered by the door. He slammed his hand on the door just next to my head and leaned in until his face was only inches away from mine. His face was stern. I stood there in silence waiting to be scolded.

“Jack.” He spoke in his deep important matter voice. Here it comes… I look him straight in the eyes. “Do you love dis girl?” My eyes widen.

“W-what? No, I…” I look away and back at him to see if he was joking, but he was dead serious. Why would he ask something like that? I’m not in l… love… I look at the floor and begin to sink into my thoughts. Was I…? No, that’s not true. You’re just a good friend, a believer, someone to have fun with, that’s all… right?

“Jack!” I snap out of my thoughts and look up to meet North’s.

“W-what?” North raises his eyebrow.

“I’ve been calling you.” He turns and walks toward the window, peering out into the cold winterland.

“I…” I have no words to fit the current situation. “Sorry, I guess I’m just worried about a repeat on what happened with Jamie.” I walked forward a bit. …Was that really what I was worried about? I was worried about Pitch attacking you again, but… I sigh. I just don’t know anymore.

North turns and walks towards me. He places a rough yet gentle hand on my shoulder. And looks me in the eyes. “We will not let dat ‘appen.” I nodded. North let go of my shoulder and walks past me toward the door.

“North… there’s one more thing…” I look at him hesitantly. He turns to face me again with another raised eyebrow. I swallow. “It’s about Sandy…” This catches North of guard. Confused and curious watch me.

“Go on.”

“Well…” I take a deep breath. I began explaining how your friend, Zack, had suddenly fallen into a coma, how I went to spoke with Sandy, and Sandy’s reaction to Zack. North listened quietly with a concerned expression molded on his face. I sigh. “And, that was it…. Sandy never answered any of my questions except that if Zack would wake up or not…”

North stands there stroking his beard. “Dis is most unlike Sandy…”

I nod. “I know… that’s one of the reasons I came to you about it.” North paces still stroking his beard. He turns to me.

“What was boy’s name again?”

“Zackery Truesdale, I think. Zack for short.” North nods and opens the door. He walks out. I follow, curious about his actions. I follow him onto the elevator and up to the globe. He walks up to the control panel and presses a button, opening a keypad. He types in the country, city, and state. The globe spins to reveal that part of the world and all of its children lighted with belief. He looks up and scans Burgess with his eyes. Then, he types in Zack’s name. A machine-like voice speaks out.

“No records available.” North looks shocked and concerned. He rapidly types in the name again. “No records available.” He types it again and again gets the same response. He gawks at the globe for a while.

“Jeeeeeerry!” He calls out loud enough to echo across the workshop. A tall yeti waddles over to us from around the corner.


“Bring me lists! Burgess!” The yeti nods and rushes away. He returns a few minutes later with two sheets of paper. North grabs them and looks them over. His face crinkles. He throws the lists towards Jerry. “Dis is not possible! Check the archives! Find records on Zackery Truesdale!” The yeti runs off quickly.

“You can’t find anything on him?!” What did that mean?! Zack didn’t even exist in North’s records? How is that possible? North had every record of every child that ever believed. Wait… ever believed… does that mean Zack never believed? But… he never seemed like that kind of person… I mean, he encourages your believe… but… how can a child never believe? Every child believes in something even if it isn’t the guardians, it may be a magic or something adults don’t see… so, why? How? Zack… just who are you? Wait, did Sandy realize this? Is that why he was shocked?

North shakes his head. “We’ll find him.” North was looking more and more concerned and had begun to panic.

“… and if we don’t?” I look at North with worry. He stares back at me.

“Then we have a child that never believed…” I gulp, according to what north has told me before, every child in the world has had belief in something… ever child has believed at least once in their life… What did this make Zack? The only child that never believed…?

North spent the next few hours in the archives room, checking every child that lived in the last 50 years. Yetis were scrambling around helping him, but he personally double checked them. I helped with what I could, but I didn’t know how he organized them, so I ended up waiting on the windowsill. North came out of the archives room. I jump up and float over to him. He looks at me with a face of failure.

“You didn’t find anything…” I sigh and seep the floor with my eyes. North shakes his head.

“Not a single record on the boy…” North walks over to the globe. He reaches for a lever, turns it and pushes it down.  Bright aurora lights scatter across the sky. He was calling the Guardians.


Reader’s POV

You shiver in the cold over the room. It was freezing. “mmmm, musta fallen asleep,” you mumble to yourself. You rub your arms slowly as you open one eye.

You shoot up and fall off the couch. It was completely dark! Not a single light on! You look around and spot the dead fire. It must have gone out when you were sleeping. Odd though… you look at the windows that you could have sworn were open when you entered this room. Did Phil come back and find you sleeping? Maybe he turned off the lights so you could rest. You look around to see light coming from under the door to the hallway. You begin to walk towards it slowly with you arms out in front of you so you don’t bump into anything. A failed attempt, you end up tripping on a side table and falling on your belly, hitting your chin on the wooden floor.  

“Ugh…” You rub your chin, and slowly try to get up.

“Having a bit of trouble with darkness?” A voice from behind?! You flip over to face it, still on the floor. Nothing… no one… “Is that fear I sense?” Behind again! You spin your body, searching desperately for the person the voice is connected to. You heart pounding fast, you’re beginning to panic.

“W-who’s there…?” A small chuckle arises.

“Oh, come now. You don’t remember me?” A twisted-happy voice replies. You freeze. You begin shaking. Your eyes glance up to meet a pair of golden-orange eyes in the darkness…

Finally! I got a new chapter out! Lost my flash drive for a while, found out it was in my purse the whole time. Then, I couldn’t get motivated. But, I finally did. I started this a while back, but never completely liked this chapter, so I rewrote it over and over. Finally, I think I am happy. Maybe… Anyway, here it is. Winter Angel chapter 11~

I changed North’s accent. I realized I made him sound French in the last one. ^^; Hope this one sounds more Russian. It’s hard to put accents into writing. North is my pet peeve of accents! I’m kind of hoping he leaves, but I know he isn’t going to. *sigh* Ah well, a writer’s gotta do what a writer’s gotta do.

Good news, I finally got my writing mojo back~ Now, I can write more often with more motivation. But, school is starting soon, I’m going to be busy. :iconschoolplz: I’ll still work on winter angel during homework though. Shhhhh, don’t tell my teachers~ :laughing:

Oh, right. I am writing a new Rise of the Guardians fanfiction called Darker than Dark. There are two chapters so far. Trust me, it has a good story line~ I’ve planned it out. The first chapter is a bit… dark XD hence, the name ‘Darker than Dark.’ Here is chapter one.… Please read at least until chapter two before you decide you don’t wanna read it.

One more thing, if anyone is interested, I had quite a dream a little while ago. I drew the creature from my dream. She’s beautiful. :iconhappyhappyplz: I wish I knew what she was.…

Jack Frost, Jamie and other people from Rise of the Guardians are not mine and belong to Dreamworks and William Joyce.

Zack and the plot is mine! (Heehee, and so are you!)

Chapter 1:…
Chapter 12:…
© 2013 - 2024 mak96k
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FairyTailAJ's avatar
Pitch reminds me of this anime guy, but the anime guy is really... colorful. The personalities are the same, though.
Mephisto's Wink